Rowing Brace

What is it?
The Rowing Brace helps competitive rowers with physical disabilities to train for long periods of time. This custom brace is much longer than commercial braces and enfolds most of the user’s arm. It attaches to a strap that circles the user’s body to redistribute the weight put on the wrist.
Key features
- longer than commercial rowing braces
- enfolds most of the user’s arm and circles the user’s body
Who is it for?
This device is useful for individuals who train for competitive rowing and have limited use of their hands. For example, this user had the three middle fingers of her left hand amputated, with her left pinky finger remaining in a permanently bent position. This made training very difficult and was a definite detriment to her dream of competing in the Paralympics. The Rowing Brace allows her to push herself harder for longer periods of time and minimizes the impact of her disability.
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