Services for organizations

CanAssist provides customized technology solutions and other services for many organizations. Typically, our relationships with these organizations are based on project-specific grants or fee-for-service contracts, in which our services are provided on an ongoing basis.
If you represent an organization that is interested in partnering with CanAssist, whether to request our technologies or for other services, we would be delighted to hear from you. Please contact
Below is a partial list of organizations CanAssist has worked with in recent years to provide customized technologies, unique services and innovative programs to persons with disabilities:
CanAssist works with many other organizations - including charitable foundations, academic institutions, private sector organizations, and community groups - on a wide range of projects, programs and events. We greatly appreciate the hard work and dedication of all these organizations and look forward to continuing to work with them to increase the independence, inclusion and quality of life of people with disabilities.