
Accessible Filing Cabinet
This filing cabinet, which sits horizontally and has vertical slots for files, is at just the right height for someone who uses a wheelchair.
Accessible Gaming Controller
The controller acts an intermediary between popular video gaming systems and a user's accessibility switch or other control device.
Adapted Video Camera
An initiative that enables students with disabilities to test their interest in journalism by using video recording technology that has been customized for their needs.
Alert Button
We modified a doorbell so a young man can easily alert his caregiver during the night by pressing a button with his head.
Automated Billiards Device
A sophisticated device that allows people with a range of disabilities to play billiards independently.
Automated Stamper
A teenager with her own business received a device that increases her involvement in creating her beautiful greeting cards.
Barber Chair Customization
A unique chair designed to enable a professional barber who had lost both his legs to return to work.
This switch-activated device lets the user swing a baseball bat on their own.
CanPlan app
An application for the iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad that breaks down any task into a series of steps, using photos, audio and text.
CanTunes App
CanTunes is a software application that provides an extremely simplified way for people with a range of cognitive disabilities to select and play music on an iPad.
CanWork App
CanWork promotes independence and builds confidence by helping people with cognitive challenges complete work-related tasks successfully.
Classroom Alert System
We developed a customized light that is letting a Grade 1 boy indicate to his teacher that he wants to speak in class.
Customized Hand Brake System for Wheelchair
Customized hand brakes were added to a non-standard wheelchair for extra control and safety.
Double Stroller for Teens
A robust double stroller customized for teenage siblings.
DynaVox and Tablet Mounting System
Two customized mounting brackets hold a DynaVox and tablet securely, while the user is in bed and when he is seated in a power chair.
Ergonomic Butcher Knife Handles
Designed for a professional butcher who was experiencing repetitive use pain in his hand.
Hall-Crossing Handrail
Allows people who are mobile but unsteady to cross to the other side of a hallway safely.
Hand Cycle Modifications
We altered a recumbent bike for a top paracycling competitor, adding sip-n-puff gears and back-pedalling brakes.
Head-Activated Piano Pedal
A music Master's student was unable to use the piano pedal. We created a technology that lets her push the pedal by moving her head.
Headband-Operated EMG Switch
A device that helps people communicate by contracting the muscles in their face. Clients are fitted with a special headband lined with surface electrodes and when their facial muscles contract, a switch is activated.
Headband-Operated EMG Switch with Mouse Click Box
The electrical activity produced by contracting one’s facial muscles activates a Mouse Click Box which, in turn, can be programmed to control a function on a computer.
iPhone Switch Interface
Allows people to control the functions of an iPhone with accessibility switches.
iPod Switch Interface
The iPod Switch Interface lets people with very challenging disabilities control Apple's popular iPod music player with a single switch.
Lap Saver for Wheelchair Users
A durable stable work surface that can be easily attached to a variety of wheelchairs.
Laser Pointer
This technology allows clients to activate toys and appliances by pointing at a laser-sensitive target. It is also used in classrooms to spell out words.
Lawnmower for Power Chair
An adapted lawnmower enables power chair users to contribute independently to yard maintenance.
Mobile Floor Sitter
We developed an alternative to a wheelchair for two sisters who need to sit close to the ground while travelling about.
Modified Carving Tool
We adapted an electric chisel for a professional stone carver. The modifications make gripping the chisel much easier.
Motivational Exercise Bike for DVD player
An exercise bike is outfitted with a device that plays a TV and DVD player - as long as the viewer keeps pedaling.
Motivational Gaming Bicycle
Pedaling and steering a bike controls the play of video games, increasing a user's motivation to exercise.
Multi-Sensory Entertainment Board
An extremely easy-to-use display featuring engaging sounds and images.
Oven Loader
An automated oven loader provides independence to a woman whose physical challenges were thwarting her love of baking.
Phone-in Monitoring System
A device that allows caregivers to call into their loved one's home phone line to learn about their recent activity.
Push Bike for Toddler
An adapted wooden push bike enables a toddler to participate alongside his sister and peers.
Radio Drum
This device lets people generate percussion sounds by moving the sticks in a particular direction and at various speeds or by hitting the surface.
Radio Frequency Wandering Alert
A system uses radio frequency tags to mitigate the risk of individuals wandering from a non-secure facility.
Rainstick Oscillator
A device that is a constant source of relaxation for a little girl and will teach her to use an accessibility switch.
Real-Time Conductor Viewer
This innovative technology lets a student with very limited vision read his music and watch a conductor simultaneously.
Remote Control Car Modification
A remote control toy car was modified so its functions could be controlled by an accessibility switch.
Rowing Brace
A custom rowing brace helps competitive rowers with physical disabilities to train for long periods of time.
Saddle Support
We created a customized support so a young woman could gain more therapeutic benefits - and enjoyment - while riding.
Sensory Stimulation Bed
A highly customized bed that lets a youngster get the sensory stimulation he requires in safety.
Shuffling Gait Detector
A system that helps people with a shuffling gait to walk more safely.
Simple Remote Control
A very simplified version of a TV remote controls that allows people with a range of disabilities to control their television set independently.
Stone Carving Vise
We created a vise for a professional sculptor that holds pieces of stone securely. The device is powered with an electric car jack.
Switch-Accessible Camera
Users control a camera's functions by pressing a single button on the device, or by connecting it to an accessibility switch.
Switch-Activated Bowling Ramp
A commercial bowling ramp was modified so it can be operated with an accessibility switch, is powered by a motor, and sits to the side of a wheelchair.
Tennis Racket Brace
For people who have difficulty gripping, a strong and adjustable brace to keep a tennis racket in place.
Therapeutic Pillow
An electronic pillow moves rhythmically and helps a young man with autism to relax in times of stress.
Wandering Redirect System
A strategically placed tablet helps to reinforce the time of day for individuals with dementia.