
One of CanAssist's primary goals is to increase awareness of disability issues through inclusion and education. A key step in achieving this goal is to provide students with outstanding experiential learning opportunities. We believe that students should be given every opportunity to learn about disability issues and interact with people who live with disabilities. After all, as these students take their positions as society's leaders, those who have had such experiences are more likely to be passionate supporters of increased inclusion and accessibility.
CanAssist also works with UVic faculty in undertaking meaningful, practical research that makes a difference in the lives of people with disabilities. For more information, see Research services.
Student engagement at CanAssist
To see a list of students currently working with us, please view the page introducing Our Team.
To date, thousands of students from UVic and other educational institutions have taken part in CanAssist's activities through presentations, class work, career fairs, and more.
Co-op students
CanAssist regularly hires several co-op students each year to support the development of our customized technologies and the operation of our special programs. Co-op positions are posted on this website and in the co-op offices of various UVic departments, usually around June, October and February of each year.
For more information on CanAssist's co-op opportunities, please contact
Graduate students
CanAssist sometimes sponsors and supports graduate students who are working on their master's or doctoral degrees. In most cases, students work full-time with CanAssist; however, some also work with programs at other academic institutions. CanAssist will consider providing financial support to graduate students, depending on the relevance of their research to CanAssist's goals and objectives. For more information on graduate student opportunities with CanAssist, please contact
CanAssist welcomes student volunteers from all disciplines and offers roles for them in a variety of activities. For more information on volunteer opportunities with CanAssist, please see our Volunteers section.
Part of academic courses
Each year, CanAssist provides opportunities for students to work on disability-related technologies or issues as part of their academic program or course requirements. For example, we have engaged engineering students to design assistive technologies and systems, business students to produce market analyses and business plans, and social sciences students to look at policy and community issues. In some cases, we work with faculty to present specific projects to student classes or groups. If you have ideas as to how you could involve CanAssist in your academic experience, please email
International exchange
Every year, CanAssist welcomes students from other countries to work with us. Most often, these visiting students join our engineering team in developing software applications or hardware devices for our clients with disabilities. If you or your organization are interested in participating in this capacity, please contact CanAssist at
Work study students
CanAssist typically has places for a few work-study students every year. The work-study program is funded by UVic's Student Awards and Financial Aid department. The program's objective is to provide additional financial assistance through on-campus part-time employment opportunities for students with documented financial need. For more information, please see UVic's Work Study website or email CanAssist at
Research projects
CanAssist also works with UVic faculty in undertaking meaningful, practical research that makes a difference in the lives of people with disabilities. For more information, see Research services.
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