
University of Victoria

Together we CanAssist.

Accessible Gaming Controller

What is it?

In this example, the controller is connected to a standard accessibility switch (the red button).CanAssist's accessible Accessible Gaming Controller levels the playing field for video and computer gamers by enabling people with a wide range of challenging disabilities to use popular gaming systems. The controller box acts as an intermediary between commercial gaming systems and a user's accessibility controls. These controls include accessibility switches, joysticks and sip-and-puff devices.

Key features

  • compatible with Sony's PlayStation, Windows computers and Microsoft's Xbox
  • can be customized and mounted to meet each user's requirements, including multiple-switch mounting options
  • can be set up to replicate different gaming systems' controllers
  • enables collaborative gaming

Who is it for?

Any person with an interest in gaming who has difficulty using their hands to control standard gaming systems.

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