
What is Ability411?
Ability411 is a web-based service that provides practical information on assistive technologies to seniors, their family members and health providers. The service enables seniors and those who care for them to ask for help finding effective technologies in cases where they are unable to find an appropriate solution on their own.
The new service is managed by CanAssist as part of its CanStayHome initiative, a multi-year project funded by the province of BC. CanStayHome involves the development of innovative new technologies that help seniors – particularly those with frailty and dementia – remain living in their own homes for as long as safely possible.
How does Ability411 work?
Ability411 is a service provided by CanAssist at the University of Victoria. CanAssist’s team responds to users’ inquiries and consults with experts as needed, to help answer users’ email queries.
Who would benefit from using Ability411?
Currently, Ability411 is targeted to support seniors and those who care for them. Over time, the service may be expanded to assist other populations. Ability411 helps fill a knowledge gap that exists among seniors, their families and care providers regarding the wide range of assistive technologies available in the marketplace.
Key Features
- personalized answers to questions regarding assistive technology
- answers provided within three business days
- all answers provided by CanAssist staff are reviewed by CAOT BC
- answers to other questions submitted to Ability411
- a wide range of categories
- information on care and health services
- resources for financial aid for equipment, free loan programs, and rentals
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