Individual technology requests

CanAssist works on technology projects in response to requests from individuals with disabilities, as well as their family members and other caregivers. If you think that CanAssist may be able to help, please take the following steps:
Submit a request:
- Do your best to find out if the solution you are looking for already exists. You can do this by searching the Internet or by talking to the appropriate therapist (e.g. OT, SLP, etc.). In order for CanAssist to take on a project, the solution must be unavailable commercially or through other providers. However, CanAssist does modify commercial technologies when they do not meet an individual's specific needs.
- Complete the CanAssist Assistive Technology Project Request Form [PDF - 155 KB]. It can be filled out on your computer or printed off and completed by hand.
- Once completed, the form can be sent in one of the following ways:
- fax to 250-721-7299
- mail to CanAssist, University of Victoria, CARSA, PO Box 1700, STN CSC; Victoria, BC;
V8W 2Y2 - scan and email to
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our Client Relations team at 250-853-3874 or at
Once you have submitted a request:
We will review your request and contact you as soon as possible – usually within a week to 10 days. If we can find a solution that already exists, we will direct you to its source and assist you in determining its suitability.
Important: Please keep in mind that while CanAssist wants to help as many people with disabilities as possible, limited resources and the increasing demand for our technologies and services mean:
- CanAssist must first secure funding to pay for each project's development. Sometimes we are able to secure funding through philanthropic or other organizations.
- typically, we undertake only one project per individual or family each year;
- while we are delighted to assist individuals in other provinces and countries, our priority must be to those who live in British Columbia. Certainly, we would be happy to discuss ways that we can provide assistance to those outside B.C. and help find ways to minimize the costs borne by the users of our services and technologies.
Please contact our Client Relations team at if you wish to discuss your situation. Thank you for your understanding.
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